Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Just Can't Believe It!

Mt sweet baby girl is 11 months old! Where did that year go? It went by so quickly. So much faster than Zach's first year! We are in full planning mode for her first birthday party and I can't wait to celebrate. She amazes me everyday! Soon, she will probably be walking. She has been pulling up and crusin' around everything. She is starting to stand on her own and has really began to babble! She says ma ma and da da like a champ!
My little baby is turning into a toddler!

1 comment:

Granna said...

Addie, you are absolutely beautiful. I love your smile and I love your huggs! What is really amazing to me is that you are saying Ma Ma, Da Da and Granna!!! Cant wait to celebrate your first birthday!!