Friday, November 18, 2011

Grandparent's Day!

Today was such a fantastic day! We celebrated Zach's 2nd Grandparent's Day at his preschool! I feel so blessed that he has both sets of his grandparents in his life who love him and enjoy spending time with him!

Addie Bug had a great time at Grandparent's Day too!
Super involved in circle time!

Zach's Class job this week was "Flag Helper" so here he is holding the flag during circle time!
You can see, he takes this job seriously!


Addie taking time out to help her brother do his seat work!

Thank You Granna, Grandad, Nona and Poppop
for making this day so wonderful for our sweet little



Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day! Zach- we are so proud of you! Great job. Addie-you were a little party girl today!

Andews Hayes said...

LOL, Zach looked so cute holding that flag! I'm glad that everyone enjoyed their time at the program. Our grandparents are some of the most special people in the world, and it is just right that a program was dedicated to them.