Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Visit with Max

Today we went over to Nona and Pop Pop's house to visit with Zach's cousin Max. Zach and Max have never really had the chance to play together because Zach has always been so little. Well now that Zach is into playing and seeing other kids, we thought it would be great to get the boys together!

Here they are sitting on the floor together!

Max was much more interested in his toys than playing with Zach :)
Zach and Aunt Teri


Look at that face!

Aunt Mary got Max a new trike for his birthday. At first Max wanted nothing to do with it, but that didn't stop Zach! He loved it!

Then Max decided to sit on it.

Zach and his favorite ball!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zach you look like such a big boy on that bike!
Two precious little boys!
Granna loves you!