Friday, July 24, 2009

Ahh...The Sweet Memories!

Well, tomorrow we leave for our yearly beach trip! I am very nervous about this trip because of Zach's sleep issues. My prayer is that he will do well on this trip. He is now sleeping through the night and my hope is that this won't change. Last year, he did so great at the beach. He hated the outdoors so we always had to do the beach in the evening. I have a feeling that is going to be very different this year, because
Zach now loves being outside.
Wish me luck!

Here is a look back at last year! Wow, how he has changed!

One of my all time favorites :)
The shirt is so perfect and he wasn't good and ready until he was 15 months old!
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Granna said...

I have tears in my eyes looking at these pics! WOW, what a differene a year makes. You are growing so fast and you are BUSY!!!!
Thank you Zach for lighting up my life... Thank you Amy for being my daughter and for giving me such a wonderful, handsome Grandson!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness that cannot be him!!!!!!! I can't believe how fast time is flying! Have fun at the beach...and no worries!