Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's NOT the water! many of you know...bath time has turned into a nightmare! As soon as we walk in the bathroom to put Zach in, the screaming begins! It does not stop until we have him bathed and he is out of the tub! Tonight while playing outside and watering the plants...Zach could not get enough of the water. It was so bad, that we had to take his clothes off. Before we knew it, we had to remove his diaper too! He was absolutely having a blast in the water. So clearly bath time is not about the water...he must be afraid of the tub itself!

Here is when the diaper had to go! I got so many amazing pics of him playing in his birthday suit...but I will have to save those for myself :)
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Anonymous said...


Granna said...

I am laughing so hard right now!! OMG!!!! These pics are priceless!!!!!!!!!

Renee McCracken said...

Zach has got to be the most adorable, expressive baby I know. His pictures start my day off on the right note every day.

Thank you for sharing them.

Unknown said...

I am sure Zach's wife will enjoy those diaper-less pics one day, although he may not thank you for sharing them!