Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas as a family of 4!

We had such a wonderful Christmas this year! I felt this was the first year that Zach truly understood the meaning! He was very excited for Santa to come and when he woke up Christmas morning, he came running into my room asking if Santa came! It was so cute and it melted my heart. Addison of course had no clue what was going on but she did like playing with the wrapping paper! Santa was very good to us all this year and it was neat to celebrate with our newest addition...sweet baby Addison!

Zach hanging his very first Christmas made ornament!

Santa came to celebrate with us on Chiristmas Eve. Zach LOVED this!
Addison in her new wagon!
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Terri said...

I heart their preschool ornaments.


Terri said...

OMG we should have a play date together where they make valentines for their classmates.