Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Little Troopers!

We have had a fantastic week so far at the beach! The kids have been amazing! Little troopers...napping everywhere and allowing us to fit in all the fun stuff! Addison is taking full advantage of sleeping in as she did not rise until 10:00 this morning! Zach is doing a little better...7:30 is actually sleeping in for him too!

We have enjoyed the beach, the pool and Zach's favorite...all the rides on the boardwalk! I can't believe we are half way through the week already!

Addie and Granna being silly!

And then Zach being silly!


My sweet babies playing in the sand!


Zach floating in the pool with Addie's float until he got brave
enough to venture out there on his own!

more to come...


Granna said...

What an absolute wonderful time we had at the beach! Watching the grandchildren laugh and play was so special. I feel so blessed! I miss them already!!!

Granna said...

Addie, I dont care what anyone says-I love our furry hair hats! We are fasion statements!