Friday, September 12, 2008

A Fun Filled Day with Avery Jean!

Today was such a great day. Zachary and Avery spent a good part of the day together. They began their morning in their very first swim lesson. It was so cute. I don't have any great photos of that yet because I haven't figured out how to master using the camera while swimming. Maybe one day! Avery did such a great job! She loved the water and would get so excited when she went under. Zachary was a different story! He has always loved the water. He likes swimming in the pool and he loves his bath....but today was a different story. I think he was just exhausted because by the time the lesson began, he was already up for 3 hours. I could not get him to take a nap. When I put him under the water, he really didn't know what to do. He just looked at me like I was crazy! He started crying about half way through the lesson...and didn't stop. He fell asleep in the car before we even got out of the parking lot. So we will have to see how next week goes.

Then we went over to Avery's house for dinner and a playdate. The kids were so cute playing together. Avery is talking up a storm. She really is the cutest!

Ollie was very interested in Zach and Zach LOVED Ollie!

When Avery sees the camera...she strikes a pose! So Sweet!

The proud dads with the sweet babies!

When we left their house...Zach fell asleep in the car. He is now sleeping in his crib with his clothes on. Who knows what that means for tonight's sleep. Let's hope he doesn't think this is just a nap!

Thanks for such a fun playdate Avery!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my...sounds like Zach is trying to establish a nap by the clock in the morning! Good luck with totally changes what you are able to schedule in the mornings!! The playdate looks like so much fun!