Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So Many Changes!

This has been such an exciting week. Zach has started reaching out his arms when I hold my arms out to take him. It is so cute. He gets so excited when I do it because he has now learned that I am going to pick him up or take him away from whoever is holding him. It is just the sweetest thing. And last night...he started giving kisses! Wide open mouth kisses...but kisses! He laughs when he does it. He is such a little flirt! He is also really starting to cuddle, especially when we are winding down for the night. I just love him so much!
Yesterday we had to go to his 6 month doctors appointment. He had to get shots, which is just devastating. I hate them! He weighs 20 pounds and is 28 inches long! He is a big boy!

I took a few cute pics of him this morning in his exersaucer, which he is just really starting to like. He is a Jumperoo Man!

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Anonymous said...

Hooray for big boys!!

Anonymous said...

you are such a big boy!! Granna loves you so very much!